Working out

Key to the Sextysomething lifestyle is exercise, whether it’s a walk, weights, Zumba, or whatever moves your bones and booty. Creating a regimen that lifts your spirits is really what matters most. For me, endorphins are just as important a byproduct of working out as are burned calories.

For years I was a runner who loved to race. I’ve done marathons, half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks and the mile. Several years ago I began to feel a pull in my groin while running. I also experienced a sense of spinal compression–as if I was getting shorter–as I pounded out the miles on my runs. Clearly something was wrong, and I enjoyed running less and less. I slowed my pace. Stopped racing. Yet doctors and physical therapists urged me to quit for good.

It was a tough habit to break, especially the social aspect of getting together with other runners to train and race. I realize now that I was hooked on the “high” of running, ignorant of other ways to feel as energized and empowered (to feel SEXTYSOMETHING) after working out. I also had to find a friendship-making substitute. It was as if my athletic plugs were frayed, and I needed new outlets.

Soon after on a weekend trip to Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts I took a dance class that looked interesting. The schedule said something about a choreographed number by a former Broadway dancer that would make us all feel like stars. I showed up and about 7 women were learning steps to a Broadway tune taught by a lithe woman wearing a microphone and shouting commands for jazz step, jazz hands, touch step, chassez. It was wonderfully intimidating. It was also Friday, and this class was a rehearsal for a dance show that would be performed at 6 pm Saturday night. The following night, to be exact. In the midst of learning the proper way to place one leg on a stool while facing the audience, the teacher leaned in and asked me,”Want to be in the show? We have two more rehearsals before showtime. This weekend is “Gotta Dance” and I think you can dance.” The other dancers had a leg up on me time-wise, but they were all looking at me with encouraging eyes. Then the queen of the dancing crew yelled over, “Please, we need you.” How could I say no to Broadway?

I’ve been dancing at Canyon Ranch Gotta Dance ever since, twice a year. I also dance year-round in Zumba and in any other class that asks me to put my feet to a rhythm. I love dancing, I love sweating. Most of all, I love the elation I feel at the end of the workout. And being totally honest, twice a year I also love the applause our Gotta Dance troupe gets at the end of our three dance numbers. What a high. Not as heady as crossing the finish line at a marathon, but very, very satisfying.

What does your exercise regimen look like. How does it make you feel? SEXTYSOMETHING!

10 thoughts on “Working out”

  1. I am living vicarious through you ,,,,,the best dancer to dance behind……Im a good follower(although,not sure Jim would agree) I LOVE being there with you and trying to have just a little bit of your rhythm and spunk…….xoxoxox


  2. Yoga, strength and balance, (personal trainer on weights three x a month). I began my regimen after losing 31 lbs on weight watchers, becoming a lifetime member and struggling to keep the weight off. Since i retired in 2013 I found the time and senior group to workout with twice a week. I now have definition in my arms! yay and feel stronger with my routine. Dancing sounds outstanding! My husband now does go on the dance floor when we go to parties, but I cannot convince him to take lessons. Its working for us so no complaints.


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